647 DAYS
Matt Platts-Mills | 4:39 min (UK, 2007) Drama
Screenwriter: Caz Kennedy
Paul Haddon has stood outside his local playground Ð looking in for the last 647 days. He has been beaten an abused time and time again but Paul will be back for day 648, 649, etc. I wrote the film to remind people that sometimes we jump to the wrong conclusions and hurt others because we don't have the patience to find out the facts.
Best Screenplay | Portobello Film Festival 2006 | London
Best Drama | Limelight Online Awards 2006 | London www.cazkennedy.com |
Rebecca Feldman | 22 min(USA, 2006) comedy
Written by Rebecca Feldman, Sarah Saltzberg and Karl Kenzler
Produced by Sarah Saltzberg and Rebecca Feldman
Newly inducted A/V club member Beth Marguiles finds
herself the deciding vote in the club’s next project – Logainne’s
chicken patty expose or Tanya’s pop-culture fluff piece. Looking to
make new friends, Beth commits to both projects, violating one of the
sacred tenets of the club. Is Beth destined to become an outcast among
World Premiere
5 min (US, 2008) Comedy
Written and Directed by John Gallagher
Produced by Maggie Levin and Emma Canalese
for 305 Media Group and The Reel Film Company
Cast: Christina Broccolini, Christina Gooding, Danelle Eliav,
Margherita Ramella, Oriane Hazan
A young woman is obsessed with classic American cinema, from William Wellman's WINGS (1927) to Elia Kazan's ON THE WATERFRONT (1954). She recites a litany of titles, her makeup, wardrobe and hair changing to represent each movies. Her girlfriends -- The Blonde, The Brunette, L'Italiana and Le Parisienne -- watch in astonishment as she rips through 27 different movies, 27 different looks, named film, year and director of some of the most beloved movies of all time. But there's a glitch -- when she hits 1955, she can't remember that year's award-winning film, and undergoes a physical and mental meltdown, her head exploding in a 1950s atomic blast. Her friends lament that she no doubt saw too many movies ... and head out themselves to catch Melville's LE CERCLE ROUGE at the Film Forum.
New York Premiere
A.L. Brown | 79 min (USA, 2008) Drama
ARTHUR IS DEAD is an offbeat satire about the darker passions that guide the artistic spirit. Two sisters plot the murder of their mother in order to reap their inheritance and escape to great paradise: Florida. Matters are complicated though when they have to hire an idealistic and naive yet not necessarily innocent nurse in order to carry out the deed. At first things seem to be going according to plan, but when unexpected and bizarre relationships begin to emerge some characters take to change less kindly than others. Jealousies reach a boiling point and new stakes are set. The daughters get their wish, their vision realized, their art achieved, but at the cost of a handful of innocent lives, posing the ultimate question: is murder justified in the name of art? ARTHUR IS DEAD is a morbid yet playful portrait of the violence that sometimes fuels creativity.
Filmmaker's Comment:
ARTHUR IS DEAD was shot on mini DV and nearly all dialogue and other audio was recorded in post-production. The sound effects and score was arranged and composed by ANDY ORTMANN of PANICSVILLE and NIHILIST RECORDS. The final picture was transfered to U-MACTIC 3/4' tape with an aspect ratio of 2:3:5, ultimately achieving an altogether anachronistically idiosyncratic final effect.
Joy E. Reed | 10 min (USA, 2007) Comedy
Produced by Jim D'Ippolito
When Mom calls Kate for computer help, she learns more
than she bargained for!
Filmmaker's Comment:
Our families know how to push our buttons because
they're the ones who installed them. It doesn't make us love them any less.
www.myspace.com/boxedinthemovie |
Jimi Pantalon | 14 min (USA, 2004) Experimental
WashMachine Productions
An experimental street fantasy about Max(Mr. Clown) a narcoleptic amnesiac squatting beneath the New York subway. When Max collages a dream journal that opens a portal to alternate worlds of consciousness, he awakes in a post-apocalyptic wilderness, meeting his kindred spirit; Jasmine(Jennifer Hammaker) together they learn journey is the destination through the realities of illusion. BRAINTRAIN experiments with various aspects of the medium to synthesize cinema and collective dream-time. Three-year collaborative project shot on video and 16mm using live action, stop-motion collage, and documentary footage to examine film as thought process.
{Best Experimental and Excellence in Editing Awards, Arlene's Picture Show NYC, 2005}
{Short Film Slam Winner, Pioneer Theater, NYC 2005}
{Official Selection: NYC Anthology FIlm Archives, New Filmmakers Program 2005; West Chester, PA Film Festival, 2005; River's Edge Film Festival 2006; New England Film and Video Festival 2006; Queens Intl. Film Festival 2006; Santa Clarita Street Art Fair 2006; Intl. Festival of Cinema & Technology 2007}
www.projectcurrent.com |
New York Premiere | East Coast Premiere
Aprill Winney | 91 min (USA, 2007) indie romantic comedy
Written by Ryan Tavlin | Montague Films - Produced by Adam Pray
The day before Joe was diagnosed with Leukemia he was content with ignoring his passion and walking the safe road in life. Now that his days are numbered, the questions that used to be so easy to avoid are now impossible to ignore. Joe refuses treatment in order to live his final days to the fullest. He decides that now more than ever, it’s important that he experience love and decides not to tell Claire, the girl of his dreams, about his dismal prognosis. He begins writing a novel about his experiences as both a method of coping and an attempt at a legacy. As Joe turns the comedic disasters of his life into fantastic triumphs of fiction, he learns to be the courageous and artistic hero of his mind and ultimately discovers that he’s living a life worth fighting for.
Santa Barbara International Film Festival | 2007
Seattle True Independent Film Festival | 2008
www.countingbackwardsthemovie.com |
Carole Lea Burns | 16 min (USA, 2008) Documentary
Carole Lea Burns is a Licensed Paramedical Aesthetician and skin care veteran who has worked with
plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the New York City medical community specializing in skin care and
laser treatments, Carole Burns knows skin. In 1996, when she noticed a lack of products, education and
facilities that would give real results to aging skin,her desire grew even more to create a skin care
facility that would finally make a visible difference in the overall quality and clarity of your face that
you could see and feel results.
Ann Oren | 8 min (USA/Israel, 2007) Experimental
Written by Ann Oren
Produced by Ann Oren
Dollhouse is an experiment in role exchange between voyeurs and exhibitionists in an era when nothing is hidden. A virtual apartment building is under surveillance and enjoying every minute of it.
Filmmaker's Comment:
Dollhouse is inspired by contemporary media platforms such as reality TV, SecondLife and YouTube, celebrating both the virtual and the banal, and integrating them in domestic life.
www.annoren.com |